Refill: 8.5x11" Film 100 Pack
Transparent Film 100 Pack Includes: 100 pieces of film. *Use with ink-jet printers only. Print out, or draw your designs on this long-lasting, durable film.
The same film included in DIY Print Shop® Screen Printing Kits, is now available in a 100 pack! Consistent, durable, and made in the USA, this quality inkjet transparency film allows screen printers to output films faster, use less ink, achieve ultimate black density and reuse the film positive time & time again.
For more information about our screen printing inks, checkout the video above!
In addition to water-based ink, plastisol ink is now included in the Shop Kit and our New 4-Color Kit. The video above provides more information on the difference between the two inks.
Our inks are great for printing on a variety of substrates including: t-shirts, apparel/fabrics, canvas, paper, wood, glass, plexi, metal and more! Also, feel free to experiment with screen printing on anything you can think of, just remember that if it can lay flat, then it's likely that it can be screen printed!
Tips for drying/curing inks:
T-Shirts & Fabrics:
Easy Dry method: after the top layer of the ink is dry to the touch, put your printed t-shirts and/or fabrics in a dryer for 30-45 minutes on high heat. Parchment paper (included in your kit): heat up an iron, then place the parchment paper over your screen print, then simply turn your t-shirt inside out and iron the backside of the print. Slow Dry the air dry method: hang tees using a clothesline (inside or outside) let dry for a few hours. Speed Dry hair dryer method: use a hair dryer or heat gun and rapidly move over the print to cure the ink - we also highly suggest putting your t-shirts in the dryer after 45min on high heat.
Paper or Wood:
Screen printing paper: simply print paper & let air dry, the ink should dry to the touch in minutes.
If screen printing wood, after the ink dries we recommend putting a clear sealer (polyurethane works great!) over the print, especially if it will be living outdoors.